Sunday, November 11, 2012

Top 10 Reasons Cannabis Legalization is Inevitable

…and why freedom will happen sooner than later.

  1. Prohibition is against the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

  1. States are asserting their right to restore liberties lost, and politicians who get it, like Colorado Congressman Jared Polis and the new Kennedy-seat Senator from Massachusetts, Elizabeth Warren, are on the rise in Washington.

  1. Cannabis is a fast-growth, taxable enterprise frontier that delivers real medicine, good jobs, and sustainable opportunities to recession-weary Americans.  See related piece:

  1. On the hemp front, struggling American farmers watch from the sidelines as countries like China, Canada and Romania take the lead in hemp cultivation for fiber (paper, textiles, composites, building materials), nutritious food, and earth-friendly bio-fuel.

  1. Famously peaceful binge-bonging, chain-toking cannabis festivals now draw huge numbers, proving over and over that no matter how baked they get, cannabis fans pose little threat to themselves or to society.

  1. Home cultivation for personal use is taking off because growing supplies can be freely sold, and small grows are impossible to police. 

  1. We the People are demanding fiscal responsibility from Washington, and the failed drug war is a fiscal abomination that has met its match; a taxable economic frontier with a rising cultural distaste for intrusive government.

  1. Research shows drunk driving fatalities decline in states that restore the right to choose and responsibly use cannabis.

  1. The convenient truth, that cannabis is an ancient healing flower that never kills and is not physically addictive, is being re-discovered and shared online.

  1. The US Government already knows cannabis is medicine, and has the patent to prove it (#  6,630,507 Cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectants).

In the 1800s cannabis use as medicine was all the rage.  It shall be again.


  1. "States are asserting their right to restore liberties lost, and politicians who get it, like Colorado Congressman Jared Polis and the new Kennedy-seat Senator from Massachusetts, Susan Warren, are on the rise in Washington."

    I believe you mean Elizabeth Warren...

  2. Thanks so much! I made the change.

  3. Big Phama, it's time to go fork yourself.

  4. Legalization poses a clear and present danger to last-century industrialists who have enormous power in Washington. Thus the war.
