Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Reject mythology. See the magic

Per evolution, developing human minds are hot-wired to believe without question, and to find comfort in family traditions. Unfortunately, those traditions are often steeped in false notions, mythology and superstitions-some more harmful than others. Fairy tale lies sold as truth to kids are pretty bad, but do far less harm than truly primitive dark age holdovers like female subjugation, eternal damnation, and genital mutilation.

Imagine! Africans with good intentions carving off girl parts while well-educated Westerners butcher their already perfect baby boys for the sake of tradition or maybe to 'look like dad' or this one; it's an ancient surgery from primitive times that corrects a design flaw in the million-year evolutionary development of the human penis. Seriously?

As for the better hygiene argument-HA! We trust girls to take good care of themselves, but boys require a surgical intervention because they can't be trusted to clean under the hood?

As with nearly all false notions and primitive behaviors plaguing us on the road to building a better world, circumcision will quietly fall out of practice (in as little as a single generation) by way of informed, as in enlightened, parents raising curious, thoughtful, independent-minded children who celebrate the truly ‘magical’ human qualities behind the sleigh, the egg and fees for teeth; love, hope, fellowship, cooperation, generosity, tolerance, renewal and getting better with age.

This century parents will trim lies, edicts and limiting traditions from their budding branch on the family tree-the fruit of which is the brilliant truth about how beautiful and magical life can be when humans embrace two spiritual realities:

All is Love and We are One.

Look. Learn. Love. Evolve.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Drunks are SO last century

Back in 2009, research by Amanda Reiman at the School of Social Welfare, UC Berkeley found that medical cannabis patients have been engaging in substitution by using cannabis as an alternative to alcohol, prescription and illicit drugs.[1]

Anti-pot warriors like The Heritage Foundation masterfully deflect the good news that drunk driving fatalities go down in legal states by focusing on the fact that a higher percentage of those road kills test positive for weed. The implied causality of cannabis is nonsense. More people are using weed because it's legal, but it's still the drunks that are doing the killing.

Let’s be honest; consuming alcoholic beverages is a fun way to celebrate, but let’s also cut the shit.  Alcohol kills; cannabis doesn’t. Cannabis isn’t physically addictive; alcohol is notoriously so. Cannabis-infused gatherings are famously chill and thoughtful. Last century booze bashes are aggressive laugh riots of over-consumption characterized by bad behavior and hangovers.

Happily this century Americans will put a stop to primitive drunken gatherings by raising kids who won't see the fun in getting shitfaced, being loud and acting crazy.

Hungover?  Bah! 
That's what you get for partying like it’s 1999. 

Look. Learn. Choose Wisely. Evolve.

[1] http://www.harmreductionjournal.com/content/6/1/35

Sunday, December 22, 2019


Circumcision is an ancient genital mutilation ritual no less barbaric than the African practice of carving off female pleasure centers. The ritual goes back thousands of years, a fact that is sometimes laughably used to argue for the practice, as if an ancient civilization managed to discover and fix with surgery an actual flaw in the million-year evolutionary development of our species.

The Truth Hurts

Ancient Christians swiped the bloody practice from even more ancient Jews who had adopted the idea as a blood sacrifice compromise that spared the lives of valuable first born boys. In a move that will go down in history as nothing less than diabolical, perversely repressed and judgmental Christian leaders co-opted the ritual as a means of demonizing and curtailing that which boys (and girls) are by nature prone to do. Less than two centuries ago church leaders put their long-running evil intentions in writing:

In cases of masturbation we must, I believe, break the habit by inducing such a condition of the parts as will cause too much local suffering to allow of the practice being continued. For this purpose, if the prepuce [foreskin] is long, we may circumcise the male patient with present and probably with future advantage; the operation, too, should not be performed under chloroform, so that the pain experienced may be associated with the habit we wish to eradicate. 

Source: On An Injurious Habit Occasionally Met with in Infancy and Early Childhood. The Lancet, Vol. 1; 7 April 1860

Evolution, Baby!

The human body is a marvel of evolution, so it makes sense that sex and self-pleasuring should be equally pleasurable for both sexes. The woman's pleasure point is near the surface and responds well to bumps, grinds and hard-pressed embraces. Men have a similar center, but it's designed to encourage penetration. The hooded tip. Clit on a stick.

The foreskin contains 85% of the sexually receptive nerve endings of the penis. The "ridged band," also known as the "preputial sphincter" is the most sensitive part of an intact male's body, containing 20,000 Meisner's corpuscle nerve endings. These are the nerve endings that sense light touch, as in the anus or lips...also found in highly concentrated patterns on the palms of our hands and soles of our feet. [To get a rough idea of the difference between cut and uncut on the sensitivity dimension] compare the sensation of gently gliding a finger over your palm versus the back of your hand.

The hygiene argument arose in more modern times and betrays a crazy idea that rational parents would reject if they actually thought about it. 

Consider: Girls have much more to deal with and they take care of themselves just fine, but boys need to have their tip snipped because they can't be trusted to clean under the hood?

And instead of cutting the son to look like the father, this century dads will show the scar and tell the uncut son the story of how it was decided to save him from that abuse.

New century parents!
End the scourge of circumcision!
Keep knives away from your already perfect baby boy!

Stop the Madness!

Break with tradition
Trust evolution
Leave the hood!
He'll be wanting that.

Look. Parent. Evolve.